Corporate Governance


Head of Corporate Governance

The stock affairs is responsible for the Company’s corporate governance related affairs, including coordinating the meeting of the Board of Directors and functional committees, preparing meeting minutes and related matters, assisting directors in their onboarding and continuing education, providing directors with information required for business execution, assisting directors in complying with laws and regulations, registering Company changes, and other matters stipulated in the Company’s Articles of Incorporation or contracts, etc.
At the 20rd session (6th meeting) of the Board of Directors on March 24, 2023, Mr. Chung-Nan Shih, having more than three years of experience in the Company’s internal audit as well as in managing units of corporate governance related affairs, Assistant Vice President Mr. Chung-Nan Shih was appointed the Head of Corporate Governance.

※The corporate governance affairs mentioned in the preceding paragraph include at least the following items:

1. Handling matters relating to board meetings and shareholders meetings according to laws.
2. Producing minutes of board meetings and shareholders meetings.
3. Assisting in onboarding and continuous development of directors.
4. Furnishing information required for business execution by directors.
5. Assisting directors with legal compliance.
6. Other matters set out in the Articles of Incorporation or contracts.

※Training of Cooperate Governance Managers:

Major Internal Policies



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